TRANZ-SYSTEMS is a management and communications tool for the
towing and transportation industry. "Brokers or
Organizations" and "Towing/Transportation Agents" can communicate in real-time to enhance productivity, efficiency and accuracy in the
transportation of the collateral. Our system provides an end-to-end collateral solution that automates the
transportation process from assignment to disposition.
TRANZ-SYSTEMS virtually eliminates the need for phone, fax or email to establish up to the minute account or collateral status. Institutions and
Transportation Agents work on the same TRANZ-SYSTEMS database and both see the same up-to-date information in real time.
TRANZ-SYSTEMS can be both powerful and profitable. The cost savings for both Institutions and Agents in man-hours, phone, fax, mail, stationary, filing etc. expense can be substantial.
TRANZ-SYSTEMS key features include:
- Paperless automation standardizes operations
- Automatic or Manual Assignment
[ Within the company profile you can set the ability to assign the address of the maker, by state+county,
state+county+city, or by zip code. In each agent profile you designate WHAT area they cover.
The system will then make the assignment for you, allowing you to quickly add your
transportation orders.]
- redemption status
- Real time status
- Asset hold aging
- Flexible collateral condition reporting
- Extensive access control
- Invoicing
- Powerful reporting engine
- Flexible implementation
- Automated VIN lookup (for vehicles/auto recovery)
- Location mapping
- Agent Accounts Download - while in the field
- SMS (Cell Phone) text messaging upon account updates to the Agent
- Unlimited Online Faxing Capabilites
- Document Storage for Clients, Accounts, and the Agents
- Assignment form integration from YOUR website for client use
TRANZ-SYSTEMS key benefits include:
- Overhead substantially reduced
- Redundant data entry eliminated
- File processing costs reduced
- Telephone time greatly reduced
- Processing capacity increased
- Assignments quickly processed and dispatched
- Efficiency gains direct to bottom line
- Route Planning Software Integration (save on fuel!)
Internet Application Service Provider We offer an internet solution, which you will have access to. Your data is completely secure and allows the ability for institutions to enter data into the system and route directly to a
transportation or towing company for processing.
For Brokers We offer either an intranet solution which can integrate with the TowWorx.com application, or we can provide development services (free) to integrate YOUR internal system to www.TowWorx.com
Web / Development Services - We offer development services which can include integration of TowWorx into your current website, or we can develop a website for you, either custom or from one of our templates.
Pricing - We have extremely flexible pricing click HERE for details.
TRANZ-SYSTEMS security incorporates "two factor" authentication to authenticate genuine users, and 128 bit SSL secure connectivity to ensure data encryption. Both security and data encryption exceed industry accepted standards for information security by
major Institutions.
TRANZ-SYSTEMS security can also include, as an option, IP Security, wherein a user can only access your accounts from a specific computer that you have assigned them. This can eliminate any unauthorized user from accessing the system outside YOUR network.
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